Source code for tibiawikisql.models.item

#  Copyright 2021 Allan Galarza
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from tibiawikisql import schema
from tibiawikisql.models import abc
from tibiawikisql.models.creature import CreatureDrop
from tibiawikisql.models.npc import NpcBuyOffer, NpcSellOffer
from import QuestReward
from tibiawikisql.utils import (clean_links, clean_question_mark, client_color_to_rgb, find_templates, parse_boolean,
                                parse_float, parse_integer, parse_sounds, strip_code)

ELEMENTAL_RESISTANCES = ['physical%', 'earth%', 'fire%', 'energy%', 'ice%', 'holy%', 'death%', 'drowning%']

    "magic": "magic level {0}",
    "axe": "axe fighting {0}",
    "sword": "sword fighting {0}",
    "club": "club fighting {0}",
    "distance": "distance fighting {0}",
    "shielding": "shielding {0}",
    "fist": "fist fighting {0}",

[docs]class Item(abc.Row, abc.Parseable, table=schema.Item): """Represents an Item. Attributes ---------- id: :class:`int` The id of the containing article. title: :class:`str` The title of the containing article. timestamp: :class:`int` The last time the containing article was edited. name: :class:`str` The in-game name of the item. plural: :class:`str` The plural of the name. article: :class:`str` The article that goes before the name when looking at the item. marketable: :class:`bool` Whether the item can be traded on the Market or not. stackable: :class:`bool` Whether the item can be stacked or not. pickupable: :class:`bool` Whether the item can be picked up or not. value_sell: :class:`int` The highest price an NPC will buy this item for. value_buy: :class:`int` The lowest price an NPC will sell this item for. weight: :class:`float` The item's weight in ounces. item_class: :class:`str` The item class the item belongs to. item_type: :class:`str` The item's type. type_secondary: :class:`str` The item's secondary type, if any. flavor_text: :class:`str` The extra text that is displayed when some items are looked at. light_color: :class:`int`, optional. The color of the light emitted by this item in RGB, if any. light_radius: :class:`int` The radius of the light emitted by this item, if any. client_id: :class:`int` The internal id of the item in the client. version: :class:`str` The client version where this item was first implemented. status: :class:`str` The status of this item in the game. image: :class:`bytes` The item's image in bytes. attributes: list of :class:`ItemAttribute` The item's attributes. dropped_by: list of :class:`CreatureDrop` List of creatures that drop this item, with the chances. sold_by: list of :class:`NpcSellOffer` List of NPCs that sell this item. bought_by: list of :class:`NpcBuyOffer` List of NPCs that buy this item. awarded_in: list of :class:`QuestReward` List of quests that give this item as reward. sounds: list of :class:`ItemSound`. List of sounds made when using the item. """ _map = { "article": ("article", str.strip), "actualname": ("name", str.strip), "plural": ("plural", clean_question_mark), "marketable": ("marketable", parse_boolean), "stackable": ("stackable", parse_boolean), "pickupable": ("pickupable", parse_boolean), "weight": ("weight", parse_float), "npcvalue": ("value_sell", parse_integer), "npcprice": ("value_buy", parse_integer), "flavortext": ("flavor_text", str.strip), "objectclass": ("item_class", str.strip), "primarytype": ("item_type", str.strip), "secondarytype": ("type_secondary", str.strip), "lightcolor": ("light_color", lambda x: client_color_to_rgb(parse_integer(x))), "lightradius": ("light_radius", parse_integer), "implemented": ("version", str.strip), "itemid": ("client_id", parse_integer), "status": ("status", str.lower), } _template = "Infobox_Object" __slots__ = ( "article_id", "title", "timestamp", "name", "plural", "article", "marketable", "stackable", "pickupable", "value_sell", "value_buy", "weight", "item_class", "item_type", "type_secondary", "flavor_text", "light_color", "light_radius", "client_id", "version", "image", "attributes", "dropped_by", "sold_by", "bought_by", "awarded_in", "sounds", "status", "store_offers", ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.store_offers = [] self.dropped_by = [] self.bought_by = [] self.sold_by = [] self.sounds = [] self.awarded_in = [] self.attributes = [] super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def attributes_dict(self): """:class:`dict`: A mapping of the attributes this item has.""" if self.attributes: return { a.value for a in self.attributes} return {} @property def resistances(self): """:class:`collections.OrderedDict`: A mapping of the elemental resistances of this item.""" resistances = {} attributes = self.attributes_dict for element in ELEMENTAL_RESISTANCES: value = attributes.get(element) if value is not None: resistances[element[:-1]] = int(value) return OrderedDict(sorted(resistances.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)) @property def look_text(self): """:class:`str`: The item's look text.""" look_text = ["You see ", self.article or[0] in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"], f" {}"] self._get_attributes_look_text(look_text) attributes = self.attributes_dict if "charges" in attributes: look_text.append(f" that has {attributes['charges']} charges left") if "duration" in attributes: look_text.append(" that is brand-new") look_text.append(".") self._get_requirements(look_text) if self.weight: look_text.append(f"\nIt weights {self.weight:.2f} oz.") if self.flavor_text: look_text.append("\n") look_text.append(self.flavor_text) return "".join(look_text) def _get_requirements(self, look_text): attributes = self.attributes_dict separator = " and " if self.item_class != "Runes" else ", " vocation = "players" verb = "wielded properly" if self.item_class != "Runes" else "used" if "vocation" in attributes: vocation = separator.join(attributes["vocation"].split("+")) if "without" in vocation: vocation = "players without vocations" if "level" in attributes or vocation != "players": look_text.append(f" It can only be {verb} by {vocation}") if "level" in attributes: look_text.append(f" of level {attributes['level']}") if "magic_level" in attributes and attributes["magic_level"] != "0": look_text.append(f" and magic level {attributes['magic_level']}") look_text.append(" or higher") look_text.append(".") def _get_attributes_look_text(self, look_text): attributes = self.attributes_dict attributes_rep = [] self._parse_combat_attributes(attributes, attributes_rep) self._parse_skill_attributes(attributes, attributes_rep) if "regeneration" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(attributes["regeneration"]) if self.resistances: resistances = [] for element, value in self.resistances.items(): resistances.append(f"{element} {value:+d}%") attributes_rep.append(f"protection {', '.join(resistances)}") if "volume" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(f"Vol:{attributes['volume']}") if attributes_rep: look_text.append(f" ({', '.join(attributes_rep)})") @staticmethod def _parse_combat_attributes(attributes, attributes_rep): if "range" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(f"Range: {attributes['range']}") if "attack+" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(f"Atk+{attributes['attack+']}") if "hit%+" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(f"Hit%+{attributes['hit%+']}") if "attack" in attributes: elements = ['fire_attack', 'earth_attack', 'ice_attack', 'energy_attack'] attacks = {} physical_attack = int(attributes["attack"]) for element in elements: value = attributes.pop(element, None) if value: attacks[element[:-7]] = int(value) attack = f"Atk:{physical_attack}" if attacks: attack += " physical + " attack += "+ ".join(f"{v} {e}" for e, v in attacks.items()) attributes_rep.append(attack) if "defense" in attributes: defense = f"Def:{attributes['defense']}" if "defense_modifier" in attributes: defense += f" {attributes['defense_modifier']}" attributes_rep.append(defense) if "armor" in attributes: attributes_rep.append(f"Arm:{attributes['armor']}") @staticmethod def _parse_skill_attributes(attributes, attributes_rep): for attribute, template in SKILL_ATTRIBUTES_MAPPING.items(): if attribute in attributes: attributes_rep.append(template.format(attributes[attribute]))
[docs] @classmethod def from_article(cls, article): item: cls = super().from_article(article) if item is None: return None if is None: = item.title.lower() item.attributes = [] for name, attribute in ItemAttribute._map.items(): if attribute in item._raw_attributes and item._raw_attributes[attribute]: item.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=item.article_id, name=name, value=item._raw_attributes[attribute])) try: item._parse_attributes() item._parse_resists() vocations = item._raw_attributes.get('vocrequired') if vocations and "none" not in vocations.lower(): vocation = vocations.replace('and', '+').replace(',', '+').replace(' ', '') item.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=item.article_id, name="vocation", value=vocation)) item._parse_sounds() item._parse_store_value() return item except Exception: return None
def _parse_attributes(self): if "attrib" not in self._raw_attributes: return attribs = self._raw_attributes["attrib"].split(",") for attr in attribs: attr = attr.strip() m ='([\s\w]+)\s([+\-\d]+)', attr) if "perfect shot" in attr.lower(): numbers = re.findall(r"(\d+)", attr) if len(numbers) == 2: self.attributes.extend([ ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="perfect_shot", value=f"+{numbers[0]}"), ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="perfect_shot_range", value=numbers[1]), ]) continue if "damage reflection" in attr.lower(): value = parse_integer(attr) self.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="damage_reflection", value=value)) if "damage reflection" in attr.lower(): value = parse_integer(attr) self.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="damage_reflection", value=value)) if "magic shield capacity" in attr.lower(): numbers = re.findall(r"(\d+)", attr) if len(numbers) == 2: self.attributes.extend([ ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="magic_shield_capacity", value=f"+{numbers[0]}"), ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="magic_shield_capacity%", value=f"{numbers[1]}%"), ]) continue if m: attribute ="fighting", "").replace("level", "").strip().replace(" ", "_").lower() value = self.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name=attribute.lower(), value=value)) if "regeneration" in attr: self.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name="regeneration", value="faster regeneration")) def _parse_resists(self): if "resist" not in self._raw_attributes: return resistances = self._raw_attributes["resist"].split(",") for element in resistances: element = element.strip() m ='([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+) +(-?\+?\d+)%', element) if not m: continue attribute = + "%" try: value = int( except ValueError: value = 0 self.attributes.append(ItemAttribute(item_id=self.article_id, name=attribute, value=value)) def _parse_sounds(self): if "sounds" not in self._raw_attributes: return sounds = parse_sounds(self._raw_attributes["sounds"]) self.sounds = [ItemSound(item_id=self.article_id, content=sound) for sound in sounds] if sounds else [] def _parse_store_value(self): if "storevalue" not in self._raw_attributes: return templates = find_templates(self._raw_attributes["storevalue"], "Store Product", recursive=True) self.store_offers = [] for template in templates: price = int(strip_code(template.get(1, 0))) currency = strip_code(template.get(2, "Tibia Coin")) amount = int(strip_code(template.get("amount", 1))) self.store_offers.append( ItemStoreOffer(item_id=self.article_id, price=price, currency=currency, amount=amount), )
[docs] def insert(self, c): super().insert(c) for attribute in getattr(self, "attributes", []): attribute.insert(c) for attribute in getattr(self, "sounds", []): attribute.insert(c) for attribute in getattr(self, "store_offers", []): attribute.insert(c)
[docs] @classmethod def get_by_field(cls, c, field, value, use_like=False): item: cls = super().get_by_field(c, field, value, use_like) if item is None: return None item.attributes =, "item_id", item.article_id) item.dropped_by =, "item_id", item.article_id, sort_by="chance", ascending=False) item.sold_by =, "item_id", item.article_id, sort_by="value", ascending=True) item.bought_by =, "item_id", item.article_id, sort_by="value", ascending=False) item.awarded_in =, "item_id", item.article_id) item.sounds =, "item_id", item.article_id) item.store_offers =, "item_id", item.article_id) return item
[docs]class Book(abc.Row, abc.Parseable, table=schema.Book): """Represents a book or written document in Tibia. Parameters ---------- article_id: :class:`int` The ID of the article that contains this book. title: :class:`str` The title of the article containing this book. name: :class:´str´ The name of the book. book_type: :class:`str` The type of item this book can be found in. item_id: :class:`int` The ID of the item this book is written in. location: :class:`str` Where the book can be found. blurb: :class:`str` A short introduction text of the book. author: :class:`str` The person that wrote the book, if known. prev_book: :class:`str` If the book is part of a series, the book that precedes this one. next_book: :class:`str` If the book is part of a series, the book that follows this one. text: :class:`str` The content of the book. version: :class:`str` The client version where this item was first implemented. status: :class:`str` The status of this item in the game. timestamp: :class:`int` The last time the containing article was edited. """ __slots__ = ( "article_id", "title", "name", "book_type", "item_id", "location", "blurb", "author", "prev_book", "next_book", "text", "version", "status", "timestamp", ) _map = { "title": ("name", str), "booktype": ("book_type", clean_links), "location": ("location", lambda x: clean_links(x, True)), "blurb": ("blurb", lambda x: clean_links(x, True)), "author": ("author", lambda x: clean_links(x, True)), "prevbook": ("prev_book", str), "nextbook": ("next_book", str), "text": ("text", clean_links), "implemented": ("version", str), "status": ("status", str), } _template = "Infobox_Book" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def insert(self, c): if getattr(self, "item_id", None): super().insert(c) else: query = f""" INSERT INTO {self.table.__tablename__}(article_id, title, name, book_type, item_id, location, blurb, author, prev_book, next_book, text, version, status, timestamp) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT article_id FROM item WHERE title = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ c.execute(query, (self.article_id, self.title,, self.book_type, self.book_type, self.location, self.blurb,, self.prev_book, self.next_book, self.text, self.version, self.status, self.timestamp))
[docs]class Key(abc.Row, abc.Parseable, table=schema.ItemKey): """Represents a key item. Attributes ---------- article_id: :class:`int` The id of the containing article. title: :class:`str` The title of the containing article. timestamp: :class:`int` The last time the containing article was edited. name: :class:`str` The name of the creature, as displayed in-game. number: :class:`int` The key's number. item_id: :class:`int` The article id of the item this key is based on. material: :class:`str` The key's material. location: :class:`str` The key's location. notes: :class:`str` Notes about the key. origin: :class:`str` Notes about the origin of the key. status: :class:`str` The status of this key in the game. version: :class:`str` The client version where this creature was first implemented. """ __slots__ = ( "article_id", "title", "timestamp", "name", "number", "item_id", "material", "notes", "origin", "version", "location", "status", ) _map = { "aka": ("name", clean_links), "number": ("number", int), "primarytype": ("material", str.strip), "location": ("location", clean_links), "origin": ("origin", clean_links), "shortnotes": ("notes", clean_links), "implemented": ("version", str.strip), "status": ("status", str.lower), } _template = "Infobox_Key" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def insert(self, c): if getattr(self, "item_id", None): super().insert(c) else: query = f""" INSERT INTO {self.table.__tablename__}(article_id, title, number, item_id, name, material, location, origin, notes, version, timestamp) VALUES(?, ?, ?, (SELECT article_id FROM item WHERE title = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """ c.execute(query, (self.article_id, self.title, self.number, self.material + " Key",, self.material, self.location, self.origin, self.notes, self.version, self.timestamp))
[docs]class ItemAttribute(abc.Row, table=schema.ItemAttribute): """Represents an Item's attribute. Attributes ---------- item_id: :class:`int` The id of the item the attribute belongs to name: :class:`str` The name of the attribute. value: :class:`str` The value of the attribute. """ _map = { "level": "levelrequired", "attack": "attack", "defense": "defense", "defense_modifier": "defensemod", "armor": "armor", "hands": "hands", "imbue_slots": "imbueslots", "imbuements": "imbuements", "attack+": "atk_mod", "hit%+": "hit_mod", "range": "range", "damage_type": "damagetype", "damage_range": "damagerange", "mana_cost": "manacost", "magic_level": "mlrequired", "words": "words", "critical_chance": "crithit_ch", "critical%": "critextra_dmg", "hpleech_chance": "hpleech_ch", "hpleech%": "hpleech_am", "manaleech_chance": "manaleech_ch", "manaleech%": "manaleech_am", "volume": "volume", "charges": "charges", "food_time": "regenseconds", "duration": "duration", "fire_attack": "fire_attack", "energy_attack": "energy_attack", "ice_attack": "ice_attack", "earth_attack": "earth_attack", "weapon_type": "weapontype", "destructible": "destructible", "holds_liquid": "holdsliquid", "hangable": "hangable", "writable": "writable", "rewritable": "rewritable", "writable_chars": "writechars", "consumable": "consumable", "fansite": "fansite", "unshootable": "unshootable", "blocks_path": "blockspath", "walkable": "walkable", "tile_friction": "walkingspeed", "map_color": "mapcolor", "upgrade_classification": "upgradeclass" } __slots__ = ( "item_id", "name", "value", )
[docs] def insert(self, c): columns = {'item_id': self.item_id, 'name':, 'value': clean_links(str(self.value))} self.table.insert(c, **columns)
class ItemSound(abc.Row, table=schema.ItemSound): """Represents a sound made by an item. Attributes ---------- item_id: :class:`int` The article id of the item that does this sound. content: :class:`str` The content of the sound. """ __slots__ = ( "item_id", "content", ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): attributes = [] for attr in self.__slots__: try: v = getattr(self, attr) if v is None: continue attributes.append(f"{attr}={v!r}") except AttributeError: pass return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({','.join(attributes)})" def insert(self, c): columns = {'item_id': self.item_id, 'content': self.content} self.table.insert(c, **columns)
[docs]class ItemStoreOffer(abc.Row, table=schema.ItemStoreOffer): """Represents an offer for an item on the Tibia Store. Attributes ---------- item_id: :class:`int` The ID of the item this offer is for. price: :class:`int` The price of the item. amount: :class:`int` The amount of the item. currency: :class:`str` The currency used. In most of the times it is Tibia Coins. """ __slots__ = ( "item_id", "price", "amount", "currency", ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): attributes = [] for attr in self.__slots__: try: v = getattr(self, attr) if v is None: continue attributes.append(f"{attr}={v!r}") except AttributeError: pass return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({','.join(attributes)})"
[docs] def insert(self, c): columns = { 'item_id': self.item_id, 'price': self.price, 'amount': self.amount or 1, 'currency': self.currency or 'Tibia Coin', } self.table.insert(c, **columns)