
TibiaWikiSQL works as a command-line interface, allowing passing parameters to customize the behaviour of the script.


TibiaWikiSQL requires Python 3.6 or higher.


This module can be installed from PyPi using:

python -m pip install -U tibiawikisql


As a script

Once the module has been installed, it can be run by using:



python -m tibiawikisql

The generate script can be run using:

tibiawikisql generate

This fetches all the revelant articles from TibiaWiki and stores them in the database.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • -s/--skip-images Option to skip fetching and saving images.

  • -db/ --db-name The name of the generated database file. tibiawiki.db by default.

  • -sd/ --skip-deprecated Option to skip deprecated articles when parsing.

The generated database is saved in the current directory, as well as a folder called images with all the fetched images.

Subsequent calls will use the images in the directory instead of fetching them again, serving as an image cache.

As a module

New in version 2.0.0.

TibiaWikiSQL can now be imported to be used as an API, whether to fetch live articles from TibiaWiki or to easily manage entities from the generated database.


Due to the structure of TibiaWiki articles, with some content being rendered dynamically, some information is not available when live fetching, compared to fetching from the generated database.

The following is an example of an article being obtained from TibiaWiki.

import tibiawikisql

article = tibiawikisql.WikiClient.get_article("Demon")
# creature now contains all the parsed information
creature = Creature.from_article(article)
# This would result in None, since the article doesn't contain an item.
item = Item.from_article(article)

The following is an example of an article being obtained from the database.

import tibiawikisql
import sqlite3

# Path to the previously generated database
conn = sqlite3.connect("tibiawiki.db")
# creature now contains all the parsed information, including loot statistics.
creature = Creature.get_by_field(conn, "title", "Demon")
# This would return a list of Item objects.
# Note that when multiple objects are obtained, their child rows are not fetched.
swords =, "type", "Sword Weapons")